Godavari River Introduction :

Holy Bath :
According to the legends, by taking a dip in its water one can be freed from all the past sins of his life, as it is the same place where Lord Krishna used to play during his childhood. There is popular belief among the Hindus in India, according to which one who take bath in its water do not fear death.

godavari-riverOrigin of River Godavari :
The Godavari river rises near the Trimbak in the district of Nasik in the Indian state of Maharashtra. The river is approximately 1,465 km long and has a total catchment area of 31 mha. It flows in the eastward direction through the states of Maharashtra and joins the Bay of Bengal in Andhra Pradesh. The principal tributaries of the River Godavari are Penganga, Pranahita, Sabari, Indravati, Manjeera and Manair. It is the second largest river in India.